ドゥドゥー外伝 弱き者の戦い War for the Weak
Before Battle
Entrance Hall | Daytime
(玄関ホール 昼)
ドゥドゥー: ………………。
Dedue: ...
Choice 1: 何かあった? Has something happened?
Choice 2: 悩み事? What's on your mind?
ドゥドゥー: ………………!……ああ、先生か。
Dedue: Oh–it's you, Professor.
Since you are here, I have a favor to ask.
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下、戻られましたか!
Dedue: Your Highness. You've returned.
ディミトリ: すまない。待たせたな、ドゥドゥー。
Dimitri: Sorry to keep you waiting, Dedue.
I'm glad you're here as well, Professor. I want you both to hear this.
Dedue is already aware, but you should know there's been an uprising in the Duscur region, in the western part of the Kingdom.
Byleth: なぜダスカーで反乱が? An uprising in Duscur? Why?
Dimitri: Dedue... Would you like me to explain?
ドゥドゥー: ダスカーはおれの故郷だ。王国の西北端、山を越えた先にある。
Dedue: No. It should be me.
I am from Duscur. It lies just beyond the mountains on the northwestern border of Faerghus.
But the people of Duscur no longer live there.
The land was burned to ashes by the army of Faerghus. All of the people were slaughtered.
This was our punishment for the crime of regicide.
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
ドゥドゥー: 空白地となったダスカー地方は、王国貴族の領地となったが……
Dedue: The barren expanse that was once Duscur is now controlled by a Kingdom noble.
But Duscur survivors, such as myself, still exist outside the region.
This uprising is most likely the work of such survivors, seeking to reclaim their homeland.
ディミトリ: ダスカーを治めるクレイマン子爵から、王国ならびに教団へ、救援要請があった。
Dimitri: A request for aid was sent from Viscount Kleiman to the Kingdom capital and the church. He is the one who rules over that region at present.
For now, the lords surrounding the Duscur region have sent their armies to help suppress the uprising. However...
Choice 1: 何か問題が? Is there a problem?
Choice 2: 兵力が足りない? Are they short on troops?
ディミトリ: いや……兵力にも練度にも問題はない。むしろ……殺し過ぎることのほうが心配だ。
Dimitri: They have sufficient troops, and strong ones at that. My worry is that there will be more unwarranted death.
There have always been many in the Kingdom's army who believe the people of Duscur our foes, and hate them because of it.
You would think they'd refrain from squashing the rebels out of political expediency...but I doubt that will be the case.
If the Kingdom's army and the rebel forces of Duscur collide, there is no doubt that the rebel forces will be annihilated.
I'm afraid...that's the best case scenario. It could also turn into complete and bloody chaos for both sides.
ドゥドゥー: …………………。
Dedue: Indeed.
ディミトリ: ……それで、だ。今しがた教団から許可をもらってきた。
Dimitri: Which brings me to my news. I have just now received the permission I requested from the church.
Byleth: 許可? Permission for what?
ディミトリ: 教団から派遣される兵の中に、俺たちの学級を加えてもらえるよう頼んだんだ。
Dimitri: I asked the church to deploy our class to help handle the situation.
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下!それでは、やはり……!
Dedue: So we may go?
ディミトリ: まあ待て……俺たちにも、士官学校の生徒としての務めが残っているだろう。
Dimitri: Not so fast. We still have a responsibility as students of the academy, after all.
The only one who can truly make the decision as to whether or not we go is our professor. So... What do you say?
Choice 1: 行こう Very well. (Begin Paralogue battle)
ドゥドゥー: ……すまん、先生。本当に……感謝する。
Dedue: You have my most sincere gratitude.
ディミトリ: 俺からも礼を言おう、先生。……早速、皆に声をかけてこよう。
Dimitri: And mine as well. But we must move fast. I will go and alert the others.
Choice 2: Let me think about it. (Return to previous screen)
ディミトリ: 急な話だったから、仕方ないな。だが……事の性質上、そう長くは待てない。
Dimitri: I know this was sudden, but given the situation, I'm afraid there isn't much time to ponder.
When you've decided, please speak with me right away.
ドゥドゥー: ……先生。どうか……行かせてほしい。
Dedue: Please, decide quickly.
ドゥドゥー: すでに王国軍の先遣隊が到着していたか……やはり、ダスカー軍とは練度が段違いだ。
Dedue: The Kingdom's vanguard has already arrived. Just as we'd feared, they far outclass the Duscur forces.
We cannot stand by and allow another massacre.
But we cannot obstruct the Faerghus army, either.
Our best hope is to force the troops of Duscur to withdraw before the Kingdom Soldiers get to them.
ディミトリ: 間もなく王国軍の本隊も到着するはずだ……それまでに俺たちで反乱の鎮圧を図ろう。
Dimitri: The main body of the Kingdom's army is bound to arrive soon. Until then, let's aim to quell this uprising ourselves.
Once the main force arrives, we'll be out of options. We must move fast.
ディミトリ: 教団と王国軍の連携が取れていないようだ。頭の痛い話だが、利用しない手はないな。
Dimitri: It seems the church and the Kingdom troops are not working together. My head hurts just thinking about it, but we may be able to use that.
First, let's push Duscur to retreat. The Kingdom might then also withdraw without a fight.
ドゥドゥー: ……なるほど。では、やはり急がなくては……。
Dedue: Let us be quick about it.
ディミトリ: 俺は一度、王国軍の陣営に向かう。……いろいろと働きかけてはみるつもりだ。
ドゥドゥー: ……感謝いたします、殿下。おれたちも、最善を尽くします。
vs ダスカー兵
ダスカー兵: すべては我らが宿願のため……ここで消えてもらおう!
Duscur Soldier: I give my all for our goal! You will die here!
ドゥドゥー: ……死にたくないのなら、退け。
Dedue: Go now if you value your life.
ダスカー兵: あんたら……ファーガスの軍じゃないのか?……とにかく、助かった。礼を言う。
Duscur Soldier: But aren't you with Faerghus? In any case... Thank you.
ドゥドゥー: ……今なら見逃してやれる。早く退け。
Dedue: You can still get out of here. Run.
ダスカー兵: おれたちを、殺さないのか……?……とにかく、今は退く!
Duscur Soldier: You're not going to kill us?! Well, I won't wait here to find out. I'm leaving!
ドゥドゥー: ……無事に離脱したようだな。
Dedue: Safely away.
ダスカー兵 vs 王国兵
ダスカー兵: 貴様らを殺し尽くすまで……我らの恨みは消えん!
Duscur Soldier: Our grudge will not be settled...until all of you are dead and buried!
1ターン目 友軍フェーズ
王国将: 東西の二手に分かれて進軍する。迅速にダスカー軍を制圧せよ!
Kingdom General: Split up between the east and the west, and advance! That'll put the squeeze on those Duscur animals in a hurry!
ドゥドゥー: ……動き出したようだな。急がなければ……。
Dedue: They are moving out. Time is of the essence, now.
ダスカー兵: うぐっ……許、さん……貴様らさえ……貴様らさえ、いなければ……
Duscur Soldier: I won't allow it... If only you dastards weren't here...
王国兵: それは我々の台詞だ!死んで王殺しの罪をあがなえ!
Kingdom Soldier: I'll have your life for atonement, king slayer!
ダスカー兵: 外道どもめ……おれたちが……何をしたと、言うんだ……!
Duscur Soldier: Heretics... What is it you think...we have done?
王国兵: ……薄汚いダスカー人め。
Kingdom Soldier: Filthy Duscur demons...
ダスカー兵: 同胞の仇……たとえ、刺し違えても……うう……
Duscur Soldier: Revenge for my brothers...even at the cost of death...
Kingdom Soldier: Not content with slaying His Majesty, you thought to revolt?! Pathetic!
王国将: こちらはすでに片づいたようだな。……よし、お前たちは撤退せよ!
Kingdom General: Seems this area's done already. All right, men! Fall back!
王国将: うむ、制圧は済んだようなものだな。帰還するとしよう。
Kingdom General: OK, looks like they're already under control. Let's head back now.
vs ダスカー将
ディミトリ vs ダスカー将
ダスカー将: はは、これは僥倖……こんなところで怨敵に見えるとは!
Duscur General: Now, this is a windfall... Who knew we'd meet our sworn enemy here!
ディミトリ: ……怨敵、か。ああ、まったくもって正しいな。
Dimitri: Sworn enemy? Well, I cannot disagree.
ダスカー将: 貴様を殺し、ファーガスを倒す!そうして、初めて……ダスカーは蘇る!
Duscur General: We will slay you and topple Faerghus! That way, for the first time in ages...Duscur can be reborn!
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: Hmph.
ドゥドゥー vs ダスカー将
ダスカー将: 貴様……ダスカー人だな。
Duscur General: You...are a man of Duscur.
How can you make friends with our hated foes? Is it possible that you've lost your Duscur spirit?
ドゥドゥー: ……言いたいことはそれだけか。……しばらく寝ていてもらうぞ。
Dedue: Are you finished?
Kingdom General: Hmph. The leader's finally dead. Round up the survivors! Don't let a single one of those animals get away!
Dedue: We have failed... You have been defeated. Use Divine Pulse to turn back time.
ダスカー将: くっ……我らの宿願も、ここまでか……!
Duscur General: Damn you... Faerghus brutes...
王国兵: これより逆徒の討伐を開始する。薄汚い獣どもを狩り尽くしてやれ……!
Kingdom Soldier: We're here to quell this rebellion, starting now. Hunt down those filthy beasts, and give no quarter!
ドゥドゥー: あれは……くっ、もう本隊が到着したか。……あの数では、どうにもできん。
Dedue: The main army has arrived. We stand no chance against those numbers.
We took too long. It is all over...
ダスカー将: くっ……我らの宿願も、ここまでか……!
Duscur General: Is this...how our dream ends...
ディミトリ: ……俺は、王国軍の様子を見てこよう。ドゥドゥー、ダスカー軍は任せる。
Dimitri: I will check the status of the Kingdom troops. Dedue, I leave the Duscur army to you.
ドゥドゥー: は。くれぐれも、お気をつけて……。
Dedue: Yes, Your Highness. Please be careful.
ダスカー将: ……なぜ、我々を助けた。
Duscur General: Why save us?
ドゥドゥー: ……同胞を殺すことはできん。
Dedue: I will not abide the needless death of my own people.
ダスカー将: 命ある限り、我々は戦い続ける。それでもか。
Duscur General: You must know that as long as there is breath in me, I will fight.
ドゥドゥー: ……また屈服させよう。殿下に危害を加えん限り、殺しはしない。
Dedue: Then fight, and be defeated. But so long as you pose no threat to His Highness, I will not end your life.
ダスカー将: ……愚かだな。ああ、愚かすぎる!
Duscur General: Idealistic fool.
We will not relent. Not until we've taken back the homeland you monsters stole from us!
ドゥドゥー: ……おれとて、故郷への思いは同じだ。
Dedue: I share the same sentiment.
Duscur General: You? Who sold his soul for Faerghus?
ドゥドゥー: 殿下は……おれたちダスカーの民に、居場所をくれると約束してくださった。
Dedue: His Highness has promised the people of Duscur a home.
His will be a kingdom that is proud to harbor the blood of both Faerghus and Duscur.
ダスカー将: そんなものが……実現するはずがない。甘い言葉に騙されおって。
Duscur General: That's impossible. Don't be naive.
ドゥドゥー: ……お前がどう受け取ろうと、構わん。
Dedue: Believe what you will.
But Faerghus will change under his reign.
That is my firm belief.
ダスカー将: ………………。
Duscur General: ...
ディミトリ: ……王国軍は城塞に撤退した。もう、危険はないだろう。
Dimitri: The Kingdom army has retreated to the fortress. There should be no further danger.
ダスカー将: ファーガスの王子……!貴様はッ……!
Duscur General: Prince of Faerghus! You monster!
ディミトリ: まだ走れるな?……早く行け。
Dimitri: Can you still run? Then I suggest you do so now.
Dimitri: Your people are waiting for you on the other side. Remain hidden from the Kingdom army.
Dimitri: I was unable to save your people... but at least you survived.
ダスカー将: ………………。
Duscur General: ...
ドゥドゥー: ……縁があったら、また会おう。
Dedue: May our paths cross again.
ダスカー将: フン、願い下げだ。だが……覚えておけ。
Duscur General: I certainly hope not. But remember this one thing.
The people of Duscur never forget their grudges. Nor do they fail to honor favors.
ドゥドゥー: ……頼みをお聞き届けいただき、ありがとうございました、殿下。
Dedue: Thank you, Your Highness, for accommodating my selfish request.
ディミトリ: いや、いい。これは俺の望んだことでもある。
Dimitri: Think nothing of it. This was something I wished for, as well.
If you must give thanks, direct it at the church for allowing us to join the battle, and to our professor for leading the charge.
It's about time we headed back. The professor and the others are waiting.
ドゥドゥー: ……は。お供いたしましょう。
Dedue: I am right behind you.